Forum Curses: The Second Act

Meanwhile in Lucky’s car…

“You’re so funny, John!”

camera pans over to a rotting corpse in the backseat

“Ha ha ha! Man, I am lonely.”

you know what would be a really damn cool idea for a curse?

the butterfly effect.

TAITC had that curse when they gave you roulette

I thought he had salt :nerd:

Nah it was (Totally not evil) salt trust

Oh wow ok

Ray flies over at some point and hits Cold with the Acumen
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

bloody useless

POV Randomness watching us let discobot minimod the game

I make finger guns and shoot the cold with tiny neutron star bullets

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 3

What the fuck is your problem

actually, no, we’re not doing this.

I aim a finger gun directly AT discobot and force him to rerooll

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 9


like… maybe 2 bullets hit in non-vital areas

Only the one with Lucky ramming me with a car and shooting in the head with shotgun

Is the cold scared of anything?

Dunno, all I know I can 1 tap him