Forum Curses: The Second Act


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Stand by while your profile is created.

I think I’ll fill it out later

(if I don’t die from some kind of stageplay accident in the theater lmao)

(I assume that’s not gonna happen because the theatre seems important)

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@alive_d Profile Created
Tanner Gunner on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
Would you like to fill out your About Me?

Do i really need to fill my about me?

no not really but it’s an option

I pass

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(Can we have aztec gods of fitness?)

Name: Gabriel Banks
Ability: Enchanced adaptability
Clubs: biology/chemistry

(Did I cook?)

Putting this down to 18 to fit with context.

I’d rather the ability is something that would fit as an AO magic

Name: Fargo Cantaloupe
Age: 18
Subjects: Writing, Art
Theoretical Magic Ability: Nephrite
Wacky Weapon (For the curse): Calcium Made Looking Staff

The forum pops up with a large notification.
Hey there! Did you know that there’s a performance being ran by the Theatre Club soon? We recommend for you to join and participate, and we’re sure that you’ll have fun!!!

[Yes] [No]

wait we don’t have to have our weapons planned out yet right?

no not yet not until my spreadsheet gets a weapon column


Hey, we know that stuff like performing can be a daunting prospect, but we’re sure that you will have fun! Consider twice before denying this offer.

[Yes] [No]

Change my mind
Yes, I accept

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Please stand by while your profile is created.

ngl im thinking about this magic i wanna give to my character but it’s definitely NOT gonna fit in AO (it’s so different)

I’m letting Sock stretch just past what could be considered AO so just pass it by me first I guess

should i dm it to you (for privacy) or is it not needed