Forum Curses: The Second Act

god damnit taitc is the fucking villain again

Somehow, TAITC returned.


A shimmer appears around the entire arena. You are sent to a world of shining blue, empowering Theodore.

Theodore is hit by it, although you don’t do much damage.

The barrier appears, but is soon broken.

Lilly is restrained, she is still managing to fight though.

go ahead

Fun, I get +1 to proficiency as a bonus

No hesitation, the Truth immediately comes to you.
Now its a bit weird, as you often feel the truth has at least some delay before you know it. But this was instant, as if the truth was already cooked, prepared and displayed on a plate.


There. There’s your answer.

I use Outclass: Obscured Illumination, on both of them.

okay roll for it

rolling for the theo hit

rolling for the lily hit

You temporarily blind them both, Theodore recovers slightly faster and gets a hit on Lilly.

do uh note that the move is blinding everyone and then running at them and walloping them with a magnifying glass

what the hell

add “You hit them both on the head and” to the sentence I guess

Way too many people have done in character stuff overnight so I’m skipping the acceptance checks

Actually screw it I’m going back through as soon as someone else says something because of the three reply limit

I should’ve brought popcorn.

I’ll do it later I’m busy rn

Explosion retry I guess

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 20

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