Forum Curses: The Second Act

dice hate me


Gonna write this later, but uh. No more attacks now.

You just end up giving Theodore a very small papercut

The Boy

Theodore smiled, then felt the effects of the page disappear. Ray leapt from the corner of his eye, missing a slash downwards with his axe. Momentarily the grasp of Max’s truth took him by surprise, but it was easily broken through. Two large neutron star bombs appeared either side of him, one of which he impaled with a spear of salt and the other of which he dodged, forming another spear in his hand. He jumped far away from the main group.
“… I thought that I would have least have gotten a bit of a rest.”

– Bossfight –

Theodore Augustus Iridine Thomas Crest

The Confronted

Fun Fact: He puts too much salt on his food.
Strategy Fight
– Mission: Defeat or otherwise incapacitate Theodore Crest –
Strategy fights work differently. Instead of polls, you fight by saying what action you will take. You can optionally roll a d20 in addition to determine the success of an action. Theodore can reject any actions considered overpowered. Win by reducing Theodore’s health to 0. He starts at 100 health. You all each have 100 health. Health will slowly regen due to Sage’s Page.
Theodore Crest: Abilities

  • Spear of Salt
    Theodore carries a long spear of salt, sharpened to be able to cut through skin easily.
  • 40%.
    40% of the True Potential.
  • Denial
    Theodore can deny any actions taken considered as world changing or overpowered.
  • Protective Salt Amulet
    The presence of his salt amulet means that only attacks that roll 15 or over may hit.
  • Reserved
    Theodore will unleash Salt based attacks only. He will not try any other form of attacking, and his only physical strike will be with his salt spear or similar shards of pointed salt.

I roll to charge a neutron star hypernova

-this attack, despite being extremely powerful, needs to charge, if it’s a nat 20, I instantly cast it, dealing critically massive damage.

-critical failure (nat 1) requires 30 minutes worth of charging.

-I HAVE TO USE DISCOBOT for this as discobot is a lot less forgiving

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

ok, so I’ll need to charge this attack for at least like 15 minutes.

hold Theodore off in the meantime for me

I’m going to refrain from doing anything for a while unless theodore goes outside on the road which I will repeat what I did to the dull

by any chance
did you shotgun the dull

@ItsNotMe denied



(Full sentence)

okay if its just “explode” its denied
do something idk

Fine I will try something more complex.

its just going to be explode but like explained in 3 paragraphs

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I am a terrible writer, so Aria told me to:

The air crackles with unseen energy—a faint tingle that dances across my skin. It’s the language of magic, a whisper that only I can hear. I trace intricate patterns in the air, weaving a web of power that only I can see. Each step I take leaves a ghostly trail, a shimmering echo of my presence that fades as quickly as it appears. It’s a silent symphony of enchantment, a hidden melody that only I can hear.

With each whispered word, I plant a landmine, a pocket of potent energy disguised as nothingness. They are invisible to the naked eye, but their potential is palpable. I can feel their presence, a faint hum resonating through the air, a silent testament to my power. I imagine the unsuspecting foot that will soon tread upon them, the surprised gasp as the magic erupts, a silent, shimmering explosion of pure energy.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 15

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