Forum Curses: The Second Act

Alright Sykadelik I will remember that next time Sykadelik.
(I don’t write it down I have it copied from my spreadsheet.)

Alright so I already blocked a goddamn Collateral

I’ve had my villain arc and I’ve had my hero arc, someone else’s turn for the goddamn hero arc

Wish Lucky was here

I mean you can call me Sykadelik too, I have no preference, so if you’re tryna annoy me it didn’t work

I just thought Syka or better yet Syk might be shorter and therefore more convenient

Nah actually I’m gonna shorten it more you’re now called s that cool?

You say its bites the dust time?

it’s somewhere down there

Well seeing as Martyn has his curse back, I roll for him to heal me, Apolo, and David

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

For fuck sakes

I don’t have a b-st-rd clue what that is

Pro gamer move

He is so powerful he rolls for someone else’s curse

Well random did give us control over friendly npcs, so I’m making them actually useful


Also fgs Arkenheilor was good to have around

Wait he died?

No he just lost his curse temporarily


Apolo, massively p*ssed with the Cursesmith for ruining his monologue, stares him down hard, and takez the first chance he gets when he feels the force of the Singularity Curse return. It’s more malevolent now that it’s been in the Cursesmith’s grasp, but it still has that familiar pull. “Suit yourself,” Apolo snarls. “We both know how this ends.”

Apolo then creates a Singularity Vortex above his head which is almost as big as the one he used to ravage the arena, and hurls it at the Cursesmith.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 15

Isn’t Arkenheilor female? I’m just thinking her Discord pronouns are she/her

Yay what happens now @Randomness how much damage