Forum Curses: The Second Act

does it distract taitc enough to save cynthia?

no you’ll need to do the “official roll” for that

Can I stand next to @sock and give him advantage

i’m just going to do a regular move

i’m going to restrict taitc’s movement using my pins to hopefully make the next attack easier
the pins, which i almost forgot about lmao:

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 4

do i get the advantage

I feel like most of us were busy being asleep due to timezones so of course we didn’t block that


Yeah I’ve started to notice that

wow… sleeping… who even does that anymore?

ok time for my strongest attack yet!!!1!

banana gun draw: rapid fire!!1

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 3

All of the bananas fly into everyone’s mouths and heal 10 HP fr

:person_shrugging: I’ll try and do them later then

edit the post so people can actually know that!

I announced it though
1.5 months ago

Bold to assume 5 days old account user gonna read trought over 6000 messeges including trello and discord

but also its endgame so you cant really introduce anything anyways

Anyways I give the next person advantage with another luck rock.
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 5