Forum Curses: The Second Act

oh yeah I imbue my neutron star into the shotgun too

I’ll roll for discobot to make randomness forget the old name and replace it with the new one :grin:

he’s allpower like that

get the memory curse user to do that, they’re an npc so you can control them

what if everyone just refers to the weapon with a different name every single time it’s mentioned

“Y’know shooty mcshootface”

The super-pooper…

Technically it’s named the Ardour but it can have a nickname

shut it im calling it bob the shotgun

Fair enough

It Ends Here

“Never again.”
A single tear rolled down Tavish’s eye, once again his entire journey flashing in front of him.
“Never again. Look here, world. I could easily have escaped this and gone back into the Minus Domain until you were all killed off by someone else. But no, never again.”
His eyes blurred. “I’m sorry… Time in the Minus Domain flows differently. What could have been mere hours felt like multiple eternities. I was trapped there after the Acumen and the Willpower Curse defeated me, stuck without my Curse since I destroyed them. I lived more lifetimes than anyone should be subjected to. In that time, I taught myself how to forge Curses myself, in case I was ever freed from the Minus Domain by some… occurrence, and look world. I got my wish. I’m free.

But also, I spent millenia pondering over my actions, feeling remorse for everyone I’ve murdered. I was about to give up when I realised that none of this was ever real. None of it. Not one bit of my emotions, of my actions, of anything mattered. We are all puppets. Characters controlled like those in a play. I am Macbeth driven mad with guilt, but then freed by power. I had nothing to lose, right? Surely… if I just took one more chance, I could reach my goal, and none of it will matter.
All is just a game.

I was freed, by some chance. Some ungodly luck that The Horse brought me into this world. I got to work, reforging the Glitch Curse and The Binary Sword, trying to get Troy Corner… poor Troy… to be my puppet. That failed, I failed. Since William got his hands on the Acumen, I had to completely abandon that plan. He was too… manipulated by the Willpower.
The Willpower and The Heartless. See, The Headless wasn’t the last remaining Person. Residing over this universe was another, The Heartless Forge. I only know of his existence due to a vision I saw when taking the Glitch Curse for the second time. That’s why the Horse ran here, towards its last remaining potential ally. But The Heartless feared the Horse, and it feared Me. We could do the one thing It grew to hate, which was to travel through Universes.

The Horse brought six things with it when it breached universes. First, was the Acumen, second, Avolition. Third and fourth were Max Pravilna and David Blademan. Fifth was me, and sixth was an unimaginably powerful force called the Essence of a Million Magics, which the existence of led me to believe in the upper gods. The Essence contains so many souls, and the willpower of thousands. It is the link between this world and Them.
The Heartless took advantage of the Essence, and instructed it to do two things. Kill me. Both me and the Horse. The Essence consumed the minds of a multitude of innocent students…

So here I am, attempting to outrun The Heartless whilst also progressing my own goals. I decided to give you all Curses, partly to progress my own goals and partly in an attempt to outsmart the Heartless and bring the Essence onto my side. I also forced Levi into creating the Trial to test you all, and my manipulation of the forums was also just a means to my end.

Throughout this whole time I was leeching off of The Church of The Headless to increase my own power, and slowly but surely my goals were becoming closer… and closer.

I let something slip. Somehow Lilly worked out that I wasn’t who I said I was. Somehow she worked out that I was behind it all. Perhaps I grew too confident with the forums. Perhaps… no, it doesn’t matter. We’re here now.

During my fight I managed to touch the other side of the Essence, and harm the Upper Gods, but then I realised that they were many times stronger than I thought. Compared to even me they were immense. I feared nothing, other than Willpower before that moment. But now I’m scared. Scared of them.

I shouldn’t have ever continued. I should have given up, repented for my actions when it wasn’t so late. Now I’ve killed hundreds more.

Free me. That’s my last request. Let me apologise and be free. Bring them back. Kulvir, Martyn. All the other innocent students. Joseph, Troy, Serena, William. Let everyone forget what happened to them. Let them live as if I never happened. And… also please, Tammy. Let Tammy return. Don’t let her be the one killed by the Aether Lightning. I should have died there. I want her to be able to live the life she should have… please.

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Well this is a light decision isn’t it

can I cast myriad truths on taitc to help them accept what has happened?

Apolo is stunned by all of this, some of it being the fact that one of his closest friends is a transdimensional being but most of it being everything TAITC was playing at. “I mean… you did just try to kill everyone, including me,” Apolo starts. “I’m not really sure what to think.”

*N E V E R A G A I N . * (cs)

All just a what?



Apolo sighs. “Alright, everyone,” he says, turning to the whole group. “We’ve done a lot here. We voted in the Trial. We voted for what to do against the Horse and the Cult. We voted when Lilly tried to take down TAITC. Let’s put it to one last vote. You ready?”

What should we do with TAITC?
  • Free him
  • Don’t free him
0 voters

“Bro almost killed me TWICE I don’t think you need to question my vote.”

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I mean you said to free him but alr

Don’t torture him for another Eternity