Forum Curses: The Second Act

Ithrill Forge defeated

Yeah yeah I’ll do the rest of it later

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Secret boss called The Thrilling Fisherman, Gabriel Banks when?


“Hey! Hey- wait you didn’t answer- oh god damnit.”

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he dead

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…so, how do I get home?

“Well it looks like we won, celebratory buffet anyone?”

and thus, our heroes returned to the academy, and hopefully finished off their year with a bang.

however… their adventure doesn’t end here…


pl-please?! is anyone there?!

we have an emergen- STATIC -there’s been a breach in sector-26!

Oh… oh my god… no… NO… AAAAAA-



“Im making sushi at the ocean”


And Here the Journey Ends

Ithrill disappeared in a flash of light. “My Iapetus… I wish you the best” the last words on his lips.

Along with him, Max and David dissapeared. In their place, stood multiple confused and dazed people. They all looked around, one of them saying. “I really enjoyed that tournament. Levi should do it again next year.”

In the middle of all the people stood a lone girl. Brown Hair. Glasses. That odd Fez that her coworker always made fun of her for insisting on wearing.

Then Jay Meddle slipped on a banana peel, fell over, broke his neck and died.

The End

– Roll the Credits –
Director: Randomness
Executive Producer: Randomness
Editors: Randomness
Sound Design: Randomness
Writer: Randomness
The AO Forums: Headless and Vetex
The OA Forums: Rebecca Cook, Jordan Holmes, Steven Hill and Anne Peridot
The Antagonist: Theodore Crest (ThatAsianInTheCorner)
The Stallion: Horse Mc Horse
The Final Person: The Heartless, Ithrill Forge
Totally Not Evil: Levi Winters
Best Deterrent: Kulvir Makarov
Prodigy of his Craft: Martyn Night
Haunted by the Horse: Dr. Nicholas. T.H. Mahn.
Haunted by his Guilt: Morock Thorne
Haunted by the Glitch: Troy Corner
Haunted by the Flames: Serena Maudite
Haunted by the Axe: William Corner
Wielder of ACUMEN: Ray Lumin (Sanek1)
Wielder of AVOLITION: Lucia Vengarl (Dreamkeeper)
Wielder of ARDOUR: Lucky Nolastname (Unlucky)
Best Cultist: Jroch Shoe
(Not a) Psychopath: Lilly Lilu
Music Help: Calypso Esomethingorother (GlitchingEclipse)
The Smug: Ladnas Creed (DubiousLittleTyp0)
Most Denied: Gabriel Banks (ItsNotMe)
Almost Went Crazy: Apolo Caelum (Syk)
The Killer of Jay: Bana Na (RealisticBanana)
Unfortunate Victim: Jay Meddle (Mortal)
Drug Dealer Prime: Arkenhailor Ferzorik (Archenhailor)
Always Doing Stuff: Collin McCullers (MrYes)
Out Of This World: David Blademan (Imalettuce)
Reflected God: Duved Manus (Dudeman)
Failed at Reviving The Glitch: Fargo Cantaloupe (Flare)
The Dead Guy: Joseph Hamn (TheFollest)
Probably Disappeared: Macy Barion (Platinum)
Changed My Plans Multiple Times: Max Pravilna (Warmwater)
Z… Zec… Something: Nick Zsomething (NickyZ)
The Forgotten of the Trio: Myles Saturn (Figure)
Secretly the most OP Curse: Rami Fjord (Bio)
I never did work out whether this was elemental or not: Sage Sage (sock)
Reflected: Tanner Gunner (Alive)
Sans: Tums Tomago (Winnyv6)
The Actor: Rin Deus Moonstone
The Pressure: Lee Roberts
The Fighters: Dante Dark, Edel Nasir, Faeth Destiny, Gary Creek, Marcio Stone, Rico Cole, Rob Jones
John Education: John Education

Thank you for playing.


This has truely been a forums curses : second act




We were Cursed on these Forums for the Second time, we have to Act :fire: :writing_hand:


Honest question, where did this guy go?

idk @Winnyv6 hi
welcome back

Bro took the bone curse and then vanished

it was beautiful…,.,.

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that’s insane
two months, 6.4k messages

I can barely comprehend it.
As for now, this is the end of my work on Forum Curses, if anyone has ANY questions about the lore please ask,

When a simple tournament between students escalates into murdering two gods