Forum Curses: The Second Act

looks at you all

This was so peak.

Might add to

Thanks for letting me a part of this Randomness, it was really fun writing Apolo’s whole character arcs and stuff. I’m sad to see it come to an end but I think we all agree that we got a satisfying conclusion. I know that there might never be another, but if there is, you can count on me to join in. Until then, good morning and goodnight, Forum Cursors.

My brother in christ, the last one took the entire summer to conclude. The next one would end up taking half the year!

Forum Curse X will take a decade

What’s that, no one in particular? You want me to write a final Apolo paragraph to say what happens after the events of the game? Fine no problem

Apolo’s Ending

Apolo watches Max and David disappear, and then watches Gabriel, Arkenheilor, and Fargo intentionally go to another universe, probably not the same one as Max and David went. Apolo smiles at the remaining people he considers sort of like friends: Ladnas, Myles, Calypso, and Collin. “That was one heck of a ride, huh.”

He then propels himself back to the Eleventh with a singularity to go get some heavily required therapy, as his therapist, Gabriel, just server hopped IRL.

The End

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Oh yeah I’m also not counting the Smuggening it’s gonna be difficult to partake in that while also running Woven Together which starts in not too long so yeah

That technically isn’t even FC since it takes place in a different universe

Yeah uh btw you’re stuck there now. No way out. That’s it, Ithrill is gone. Sorry guys

They went to WT’s universe dude

Idk how but my guess is LSD

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When you trip the hardest balls ever and end up in a different storyline

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it’s completely canon to FC

still wondering how tf warmwater did not absolutely destroy everyone

also how did edgy water win

it was all secretly a metaphor for how flashy overdramatized versions of things that already exist tend to get more attention and success than the normal, standard forms of things

think about it

warm water

edgy water

the only way someone could win is if they could attack you via non-projectiles

There’s someone else there who’s kinda OP.

Maybe not that OP but they’re working on it

I have parried god.

And alive_d’s part of the credits.

im still wondering if there was any hope for others to defeat you… maybe none…

also vs battles wise, what tier are we? 9-A (small building level)? 8-C (building level)?