Forum Curses: The Second Act

Its like jojo

if it was a story like that it would be from Theodore’s perspective occasionally swapping to other characters

I would’ve said Lucky but everyone works better

Why would it be from the perspective of the main antagonist? That confuses me

If this was a webseries then I would feel like it went from 1 - 100 way too quickly

I’d watch it

Chapter 1: The beginning of the play
Chapter 3: Chase down a horse god

The TAITC fight better be Absolute End level tho

Random Reviewer: “So how does this connect to the greater story?”

Randomness: “Story?”

I thought this was to do with horse gods?

I enjoyed writing as him

I guess that’s fair but also defeats the purpose of an antagonist

not necessarily. Oftentimes the antagonist and protagonist being the same guy can make for an interesting story

I think you’re confusing antagonist with villain a bit lmao

“You are your own worst enemy” type story bruh :sob:

Honestly if not the 4D beings holding me back the story would end the moment I found out who was the evil here (Probably would accidently kill Lily)

Btw, did you know this is the 6th most replied thread on the entire forums?


We going for the 10k on act 3