Forum Curses: The Second Act

Sock with all respect but there is no person on forum who would carefuly read the whole thing

that is fair, but i would also highly recommend it

perhaps i’ll section it into drop down menus to make it easier

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sectioned it into drop down menus to make it easier

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I have

There are exceptions, but so few that it doesnt matter

can confirm, I ain’t reading allat

You might wanna seperate the walls of text a bit more, possibly into bullet point lists or something just to make it easier on the eye and less intimidating

yea, i’ll simplify all the descriptions next round

Saturday 21st January

The polls will likely end in about an hour. I think I’ve got an idea for what event I’ll be doing today.


can we have alien mini arc pls

the aliens want to test our strength


I made a joke idea earlier about a mini “alien invasion” arc where some aliens had powers reminiscent to curses and wanted to test humanity’s strength kind of out of curiosity

or to see if they were worthy yet of, idk, stuff

no aliens

damn, sorry mexican players, you guys gotta go :pensive:

Tiebreak for Battle 5
1- Fargo Cantaloupe
2 - DAVID Blademan

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

DAVID Blademan moves on

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Round Over

The following people will move onto Round 3
Duved Manus
Cynthia Celeste
Ray Lumin
Tums Tomago
David Blademan
Micah Witerlage
Lucia Vengarl
Sage Sage

– There will be an additional (Sort of event) later. Check the forums. –

Anything planned for the people who aren’t in tournament anymore