Forum full of grown degenerates

Have you seen how many people on this forum that are grown and still play this game and creep on the forum? Well, I have. And it might just be me, but I believe they should GET BACK TO WORK. Go back to your 9-5 and continue to slave off for the rest of your sad life instead of trying to have fun in your life by playing AO. Also, if we have a removal of all the grown degenerates here, wouldn’t we have less child loving people that reside here?

This post is a joke and is not meant to be taken to heart.

:skull: :shinto_shrine: :skull:
:rightwards_hand: :tongue: :leftwards_hand:

In light of this post, I am now obligated to leave the forum. It was fun guys :wave:

In light of this statement, be careful around corners in sameria for explosive barrels

We’d just have younger ones

wouldnt the children just start liking eachother since they know there is no risk of a pedo jumping their ass

Probably, but who would know if every pedo actually left, this is the internet after all.

Sounds like something someone that wants to be the only adult left alone with a bunch of children would say.

im 13

we should just replace everyone on the forums with rb1
then we wouldn’t have any issues :nod:

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tbf, its been 4 years since the original announcement of ao

the people who were 14 when ao was announced are adults now, so it makes sense theyd continue to play the game they grew up with, even i will be later this year
that being said, most people active here are very obviously like 13 and if you as an adult are actively going out of your way to talk to them youre probably weird, 13 year olds are annoying and no normal adult wants to be around them

I’d say alot of people here are 17+
Especially people who have been here for a long while.

Sorry, I just want to have a safe place to come back to after work :pensive:
Let me rest after my day job and studying please ;-;

get back to work


I’ve been working for the last 17 hours…

ion care keep working bud

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