[Forum game] Once upon a

Quickly, Ace ran off to Ironport, meanwhile Soeht and the King were fighting. People from all over southeast Magius could hear the fights. When he got the Ironport. A mysterious old man was walking into Ironport aswell. Ace asked the Old Man…

“Why are you running?” The Old Man told Ace that the end of the world would soon be upon them, and it was best not to waste any remaining time on such trivial matters.

The old man looked back and summoned a magic circle onto Ace’s face. Ace all of a sudden felt a liquid spill on his face and then he could only feel a burning sensation.

It was acid magic. But the old man was far too old to actually cause an affect on Ace, it simply burned. Ace then yelled…

“YOU BASTARD,I ASKED FOR HELP AND THIS IS WHAT I GET?” Ace in anger summoned his own magic circle and fired off a water blast at the old man knocking him into a house’s window.

This, of course, drew some attention. The Magic Council was immediately alerted by this, and Ironport was declared under threat by Ace.

Meanwhile, the Old Man was unconscious, unlikely to bother Ace again for a while.

As Ace was surrounded by the Soldiers, a soldier began charging a magic circle, as did the others, Ace closed his eyes preparing himself for a blast of all sorts of magics. When suddenly, he heard several blazing sounds, but didn’t feel anything on himself. He opened his eyes and saw a man walking away from the burning corpses of the Magic Council soldiers. Another soldier attempted to stab the man, but the man immedietely shot a fireball at the soldier. Ace had noticed this man did not use magic circles in his attacks. Ace ran towards the man and yelled…

“Get away, Idiot! I’m kinda busy, can’t you see?!”

The man killed Ace for his rudeness and the thats how his story ended

And this is how the tragic story of Ace ends…BUT WAIT! The show must go on!

Once upon a time…in the land of Magius…

some guy popped into existence

The guy who popped into existence was born without any affinity to magic. His name was…

Jonathan. One of his favorite things to do in life was…

Stealing. Especially from wizards who were born with the affinity to magic.

One morning, a powerful Magius Council Soldier walked to his house and knocked on the door and when answered, the Soldier said…

“You’re under arrest for committing multiple crimes of thievery. Come with me and you won’t get hurt.”

Jonathan had a heart attack due to this event scaring him and ended up dying

All of a sudden the forum poster known as Strangler defied physics and revived Jonathan and made the thread go normally. Your actions have been retconned lmao

Jonathan in Shock replied “Me? What proof do you have of me stealing anything!”

The Magic Council Soldier takes off his hood, and reveals. THE MAGIC COUNCIL SOLDIER IS ACE, HE WAS REVIVED SOMEHOW. Ace says to Jonathan “Yes I do.” Revealing Jonathan’s fingerprints and a special dagger he stole from a wizard.

There was only one way to escape from this,he scanned his surroundings and came to the conclusion that he could take the nearby kitchen knife and try to stab ace,take the special dagger that he was holding or escape out of the window. He decided to…