Let’s play a game called forum picnic. There are rules and limitations, the goal is figure out what that rule/limit is. The new host is anyone who beats the game.
You can ship but cannot sail.
You can draw but not sketch.
You can saw but not split.
You can cry but not sob.
You can skip but not fake.
You can’t bring “what” to forum picnic. But you could bring a whart.
February 5, 2025, 2:33pm
You can bring a skibidi but not a sigma???
February 5, 2025, 2:39pm
I think you might need to explain the rules a bit more cause I don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing
You can bring a sigma but not a skibidi.
Does said potat have any uses? It seems to be missing an “o”.
I think we’re supposed to find the pattern between the bringable items and non-bringale items.
The potat has no uses other than passing the requirements for being brought to the picnic.
What does that mean
Find the pattern. It means what it means!
Yes, you can bring some metal.
Feel free if you have it.