Forum plays Pokemon Insurgence

Lets all try to use our collective small amount of braincells and click bullet points and try to play pokemon insurgence

first off is the story type.

Story type?
  • “Traditional”
  • “Dark”

0 voters

it seems dark story won

Currently we are a semi memory-loss person and have gone through an entire cult base and are heading to a lab because this is fucking pokemon

pokemon insurgence?
something seems familiar

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yes, this is insurgence

seems dark story type is winning

Since dark story won its time to summarize the start of the game:

some random ass guy is talking to you in your head because you cant rember

thats literally it

more polls

What is our gender?

  • Boy
  • Girl

0 voters

Boy has won, so moving onto the other stuff (no need to worry about name)

which do we look like?

Hair lmao
  • Blonde (left)
  • Purple (middle)
  • Brown (right)

0 voters

This poll will go on until 7 votes are in at least

One more vote


The poll has now been closed and purple hair has been decided.

more story summarizing:

apparently you’re in some random ass basement with two edgelords dressed as darkrai (probably weebs too or smth) who sent the funny ghost to try eating your memories

Then another person comes along and she looks even edgier. Even named “Persephone”

Theres more talk about a ritual and Persephone plans to kill you after your memory is gone, and i don’t think this can get edgier.

Convenient Mew scares away the Gengar


it got edgier

and they’re going to do it again.

Persephone summons darkrai and sends the guy in the middle of the shit circle to the shadow realm with because this is the edgiest fucking cult on god, and the thing fucking runs away

oh and persephone kills another two people (i should put a death count for this)

anyways you escape

  • What the fuck

0 voters

now we entered a town and mew has left us

we meet lackey #1, Damian

to make everything shorter he needs help getting a thing for “the augur” who is just the other leader and he needs a pokemon and another person to help and so you go to the lab.

You also meet a guy who’s a cultist leader as well called Reukra who looks like he’s all about business. He gives you three diseased pokemon also called “delta pokemon” which we can choose instead of eevee.

And that leads us to choosing starters

Its time to choose one of four starters. All four get mega evolutions, so it doesn’t matter on that.

  • Generic Eevee (normal type)
  • Diseased Bulbasaur (psychic/fairy)
  • Diseased Charmander (ghost/dragon)
  • Diseased Squirtle (Dark/Fighting)

0 voters

Poll will close tomorrow when i wake up

Bulbasaur supremesy


It seems eevee has won. Its time to show you what you all missed out on as well:
diseased charmander

diseased bulbasaur
diseased squirtle

a̶t̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶i̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶m̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶a̶n̶s̶

This is the mega we get later on:

We now have obtained an Eevee, now what do we name it? First few replies get spun on a wheel :troll:

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One-for-All or Peacekeeper

I made this in reference to how their mega looks like a combination of all the types

looks like a hellspawn



continuing my legacy I see :fr: