if theyre a shapeshifting god then you can just have the best of both worlds and draw them as whatever you feel like at the moment, then you dont have to choose
where they talking abt me from
inv me to forum discord or whatever its called
The Ellis racism thread™
one side boob one side ball
me on forums
“Tehehe I’m spwecial ” NO
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my what (don’t have those)
it’s been around one febuary, now you have to draw all of the forum’s ocs dancing in 1 large picture
Thank god someone posted a normal insane request first instead of whatever vorf was gonna cook
Not anymore.
Yall did NOT stay formal at all with the femboy debate
I hate how that is a sentence that makes sense and that I understand
wdym I was wearing a suit the whole time
say gex
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I dislike this topic and everything surrounding its discussion
What’s your response to the allegations