Forum queer analysis

no romantic orientation option :sleeper:

To be fair, they are (save for a few people)

I swear to god, my ex boyfriend used to call me “girly enough” to be his partner.

This is actually a really interesting thing - a lot of people think asexuality is a mutation. The stigma surrounding the idea of it being a mutation is it has to be innately bad. Though ace people don’t feel the need to reproduce, a biological function, it doesn’t inhibit their other evolutionary purposes to further their species and care for their fellow humans and make Earth stay livable.

Also, trust me, as someone who was almost “put back on the right path” it doesn’t work. Tried being a straight cis guy. Ended up kissing a guy at a concert to cope.

Hello, my child!! How are you :3

I’m ngl I lowkey hate texas. It’s hot, it’s basically a PVP zone for me too.

Also, my girlfriend and I have been dating for nine months. She accepts me as I am, and I love her so goddamn much - truly, she’s all I can see for me.

Just AAA I love her sm! Like I’ve been with her for so long and I still get butterflies in my stomach when we talk and I still get all flustered when she compliments me



Prepare yourself, and move to LiterallyLoki gives you advice!
This will be where you will argue.


is it JUST reproduction though because if thats the case i would count as asexual (i hate kids)

no, being asexual just means that you have little to no sexual attraction to anyone

couldnt be me then