Forum tierlist #4049

I love you

I’m in Mid as fuck now i must die for not being epic and funny and based

Actually tbf realistic tierlist, doesn’t place people unreasonably high because biased and puts the most redpilled and based people at the top :sunglasses:

If it makes you feel any better, absolutely no one on any of the lists is funny

I mean yeah that is a given because fourmers aren’t funny in general :no_mouth:

digital “comedy” isn’t anywhere near the level of real comedy (by real i mean in real life)

You have obviously never watched Any Indian action films


Not just as i’m pettier and much cheekier

this wasnt meant to become a dick sucking topic

you wish :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

I dont wish for things i tell it as it is

wish these nuts in your gulp mate :pensive: :cry:

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Pause bro u moving sus asl

Keep going :wink:


Stop wondering about what percs i got and start getting urself some bitches


I am sad

Cyro ssssss+ tier tho

Good list tho