Forumer Adventures! [The Creation of the world]

Came up with a dumbass idea.

I am going to write something that is going to be completely based on the replies and/or votes of the forum.
What I mean is that - Every aspect of the story will be a decision. Every Choice, Every Part of the story will be chosen and/or suggested by the forumers.

Without Further Ado, the first poll (There are gonna be a lot of these)

Time Period
  • Y1854 (Arcane Odyssey)
  • Y2854 (World of Magic)

0 voters

Character Gender
  • Male
  • Female

0 voters

Occasionally, you will need to write something to add on to the story, and not just reply to polls (will mention in post IF needed)
(Also, if possible, minimize the clutter in this thread)


main character gets magic then plays game

Female coz lmao

hometown is ironport riverville

I want to become a girl

wood magic as main

Get 2 main characters. male and female, in arcane odyssey.

Let the story commence hehehehehhehehe

perfectly balance, as all things should be

btw can you add watermelon or fck gender as a gender pls
wait nvm i just realized i can chose both

oh wait is this suppose to be a community thing ?

The hero finds some really dumb weapon early on that is almost useless at first, but later gains some practicality.


You should probably add deadlines to the polls

I would be a weapon person, and one weapon would be a comically large spoon

Give them a gun

we shall advance
in sand

I kind of regret voting Ao because we literally have no info on it’s story.

You find out on the way when in iy

why is the majority in the gender vote female

make them a savarian (if wom one wins)

so is this like
an adventure driven by forumers
or are forumers gonna be ACTUAL characters in this choose your own adventure thing

First Polls have been Locked
Last Poll’s results:


The Next polls are here:

Character Age Range
  • 14-16
  • 16-18
  • 18-20
  • 20-22
  • 22-24
  • 24-26
  • 26-30
  • 30-40
  • 40+

0 voters

Reply to this post with a basic description of the character’s personality [Under 12 Words] And Have a Yes/No Poll for voting like:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters
