Forumer Moral Alignement Polls (5x5 one)

Nah my most recent ban was becasue they didn’t crown me edgegod remember ? You’re the one who took my crown

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

what are mine

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

Impure lawful


  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

Soem people don’t seem to understand that if you vote, you mos tvote on BOTH polls

I’m commit tomfoolery

uh huh

  • Chaotic
  • Lawful
  • Neutral

0 voters

  • Good
  • Evil
  • Neutral

0 voters

judge my soul


What am i to you guys :woozy_face:

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

he made me angy >:(

that’s an exception

literally how

you guys have a vendetta against me

there was also um

the deleted posts (created by sandal)

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

the poll says you’re a psychopath

Honeatly “impure” isn’t an insult, i consider myself neutral impure because of my philosophy/ own morals on things but that doesn’t make me a bad person, if anything it is just saying your flaws stick out



you guys keep holding me to these standards from ages ago smh

okay lego game lore nerd

ah wait. It now says you’re either a Psychopath or a Soldier.

man I don’t wanna a psychopath

I care about people genuinely

feels kinda fucked up tbh

not to mention my (now estranged) first stepfather may have been one

I don’t wanna be on the standards of a person like that