Forumer Moral Alignement Polls (5x5 one)

Copy this poll and send it to see your results, vote on this for MY moral alignement, make your own for your alignement

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters


nice pic quality

Ik changed that and made it public so ya need to revote

how the fuck do i copy this

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

Why? I can see the results just fine as is

I’m some weird bastardization of trickster and nurturer tbh

I like to do a little tomfoolery but I kinda want everyone to be happy at the same time

Oh fuck I wasn’t clear, you vote for what is my moral alignement on my poll and yours on your poll get it ?

ohhh ok

Same for you, only @anon52408498 understood it seems

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am confus

You vote on mine for what you think is my moral alignement, then you make yours o ve vote in what is your moral alignement

neutral impure winnin

  • chaos
  • 0 reputation
  • rebellion (scallions are tasty)
  • talkative or something
  • follows the law (ew no)

0 voters

  • still 0 reputation (why?)
  • stained
  • follows morals
  • a hero :slight_smile:

0 voters

Fort talos boss

o okay

uh ur like

IRL: idk you well enough lawl

AO OC: Nomad

I love a good prank

but I wanna make sure people still find it funny and it’s not harmful

characters who break the law but still have morals are the best imo

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‘neutral neutral’

Just look on the chart for wait it gives, I’m apparetnly mostly True Neutral and nearly as much Free Spirit

you spam about femtex ‘things’ in vetcord, not sure about that XD