Forumer Moral Alignement Polls (5x5 one)

Neutral moral

My files are technically supposed to fit into the 9 alignments, but I wanted to see where they would go on this chart.

File 1 - Valliant Hero:
Social Good

File 2 - Blind Law:
Lawful Neutral

File 3 - Chaotic Doom:
Chaotically Malevolent
Destroyer x10

File 4 - Bringer of Peace:
Lawful Good

File 5 - Tactical Plotting:
Lawful Evil

File 6 - Eternal Truths:
Rebel Moral

File 7 - Wandered Land:
True Neutral

File 8 - Evil’s Manifest:
Neutral Evil

File 9 - Ultimate Freedoms:
Rebel Good

Most of them fit into the 9 alignments, with a few differences.

You are the most Neutral Moral fire magic user out there

Just realized my stupid ass did this wrong hold on

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

1 Like
  • Lawful
  • Social
  • Neutral
  • Rebel
  • Chaotic

0 voters

  • Good
  • Moral
  • Neutral
  • Impure
  • Evil

0 voters

What does that mean tho :skull:

haha ur boring

I think it means you’re neutral moral

i see you’re a man of culture as well

I think it means I’m a truncated rhombicosidodecahedron

pssht only a real edgegod would be at minimum rebel evil

also my wom files

File 1: Charles Ca(lv)in (no nickname atm)
Judge (lawful neutral)

File 2: Cameron Ca(lv)in (no nick)
Philosopher (Neutral Moral)

File 3: Chad Marshall, the Tsar Bomba
Free Spirit (chaotic neutral)

File 4: Pearl Silver (no nick yet)
Dominator (Lawful evil)

File 5: Calvin Spectre, the Ronin’s Shadow
Benefactor (Neutral Good

File 6: Basil Silver, Gunslinger of the Storm
Anarchist (rebel evil

File 7: Dylan Hall, the Phoenix’s Rejoice
Protector (lawful moral)

File 8: Leif Luxidoor (no nick)
Rebel (rebel moral)

File 9: Riley Winchester (no nick)
Crusader (lawful good)

in a sea of virgins, this one shines like a diamond

or glows like a nuclear explosion I guess

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explosion on top :muscle:

jk us plasma/explosion users are ass at the game

nah you good dw

explosion is definitely winning

plasma? eh not so much but still respectable

Evil is not edgy, it’s cringe most of the time

evil is in my opinion good when done correctly

people need a good reason to be cruel or evil or have hate

usually because they want revenge, have an unsolved trauma, or believe they are doing good, there’s obviously a lot more reasons why but usually an “evil” character has a motive or decently understandable reason why they do the things they do

evil characters that are just evil for the sake of it or some lazy bullshit like “omg it’s an ancient evil from the unknown” or “Likes to kill and destroy just because” is just lazy in my eyes and kinda lame and more of a parody trope, I kinda made fun of this trope for one of my characters (an octopus eldritch ruler humanoid thing that starts off lawful evil and kinda winds up becoming more lawful moral) but if you use the trope seriously then yeah evil is kinda cringe

yeah i agree

my Chaotic Neutral file (the explosion one you talked about) is a criminal (-7000 demon in wom) who unfortunately does have the tragic backstory :sob: and he goes around destroying things to prove a point, and he usually tries to keep citizens out of the crossfire. some aspects of him may be edgy but i try to keep away from it

But what does rebel neutral mean