Forumer Sparring Thread

but whatever, optical doesn’t seem to be super bothered by this

so I’ll just leave this thread


Ok anyways bacc to topic, who’d win:

@A_friendly_Bear vs @a_human

@Pyronical + @PyroFireFlame + @Pyropunk + @PyroNight + @PyroVisional + @pyro1 + @PyroTheBirb revolting against @Cryonical (and other @cryo people sure)

Cryo based as fuck

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I combine all the pyros and use them to melt cryo, thus boiling him into hot water of which can cook samyang packet ramen in, and I get a nice warm bowl of soup.

Which one

“Mod abuse” my ass!!!

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bro ima go to court with this one

Sadly it does

Me vs. who?

Zormego vs evil Zormego

ok bro where can I find a forum lawyer

Hey! I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights?

ye bro how much ur services

I’m right here

Who wants to fight…

I put a patty on a bun, with you, cheese, onions, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and top bun together in that order

Blud forgor mayo

Blud didn’t get the reference :joy:

(also I don’t like mayo in my burgers)