Forumer tierlist template

You should make an updated version.

i made it off your list.

what makes me b tier

i dont like you that much due to not having the greatest past with you, but our relantionship HAS bettered a LOT, so ill say either b tier or a tier

Perfection. :ok_hand:

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Objectifying people via a rating system? Based.

that moment when your not included in the list… : (

Yeah. I fucking put fat fishe and angmar in the highest tier. What’re you gonna do about it? Piss your pants? Shit in them?


where am I, to begin with? there’s no chance you haven’t heard of me at this point

looks like you changed your mind about me

Make a new version and include me in, someone please.

I like how most people put me either in “Don’t know enough” or a tier similar to B or A.

how dare you do iammback like this smh

The bluish-purple space pfp is mine. I’m Crafty_Content.

Where am I :frcryin:

I think it’s regulars, popular forumers, artists, mods, etc.

in December idk if you were known, I met you like 1-2 months ago? i think

“i used to ruuuuuuuuule the world” :pain:


damn, wom popularity poll

Bear in mind you can make humorous tierlists with this rather than rating others e.g. forum ecosystem roles hehe.