Forumer tierlist template

I don’t know if this is against the guidelines but yeah here is a forum tiermaker.

Edit: Fixed the list.


So wax above all.

pretty much

That moment someone uses this tierlist and doesn’t put wax up at the top.

;-; i missed it…

I swear I put you in. I’ll edit the thing real quick.

well at least im on 2th line


The tierlist is quite scuffed right now. I’m fixing it.

I never realized how many people were on the forums until I saw the list

I accidentally uploaded twice of each. There are around 148 of them 296 if you count the doubles.

I noticed

Captura de pantalla (1239)
here is my tierlist


Just saying this can also be used to rank pvpers and make memes I guess.

Im happy im on the list but kinda sad no one know me not that much active so its normal thanks tho😀

why is there 2 barneys

oh fuck
i didnt realize that

Well actually i see almost everyone doubled even me