Forumers as RPG roles list (updated)

Highly debatable.


Tmw you aren’t on the list :frcryin:

Edit: nvm I see the shrek image

I don’t even know what I would be on this list ;-;

put the guy with the guardian pfp in ‘fuck you’ tier

then put everyone else in S tier

then put me in GOD tier because I’m clearly superior to all known life forms in the universe.


I think he means Srtolertus

Oh so his pfp thingy is called a guardian.

There are no tiers in this really.

my god complex is kicking in

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why no healer :c

I am curious in how chaotic the nation you rule is.

what’s the one type of hat that bards wear fuck I forgot
i want to make an edit

United states earlier this year + every warring country + the made up nation you made when you were 7.

Pure, unbridled chaos.

And in the center of it all, BTN just chilling on her throne in the castle she ruined herself.

When me in list :cry:

im blind :frsleepin:


How am I not Wizard, I don’t use melee at all

Edit:Wait, idk how the list is scaled

I don’t know what any of this means but is cool