forumers saying "shitass trade" for the umpteenth time

He’s been in a terrible mood and has basically been torturing me and our family for the past 5 weeks or so. He annoyed me and our cousin so much (DURING OUR FREAKING VACATION) I pushed him and started swearing, which I pretty much never do.

I don’t know how he works lmao. He’ll get better over time though, I suppose.

Simple solution,


Even though he’s a blood sucking pencil-necked bug-eyed pea-brained parasite, he’s still my brother. I’ll just have to wait out his phase I suppose.

This post has gone rather off-topic. I’ll see you around some time, I suppose.

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Nothing is more off topic than #off-topic baby WOOO, cya !11



i give you 9 seconds of my time, and i get unfunny video?

shitass trade

take your time bro, no rush