forumers saying "shitass trade" for the umpteenth time

sh!t@ss trade

Also it’s literally only drama who says that so :neutral_face:

hilarious and original ™

I’ve never seen anyone say this. Marketplace moment.

it’s just drama that says it lol

I would never have to say it if these 9 year olds knew value

I think Imemubo hates you more than me and that’s a damn lot of hating :nod:

He really hates me with his guts I guess and I don’t know why, when I do nothing bad to him or say anything bad about him or even mention him at all he just comes at me taking shots and insulting me heavily

Bro he didn’t even say anything, wtf is wrong with you. Literally get off these forums if you want to be a faucet of negativity, hate, stupidity, and strife.


My man :sob: :pray:

His posts are annoying me a lot lmao.

They’re pissing me off decently but I guess I just gotta hold it and I already flamed him so I don’t see a point in continuing unless he does it again or somethn

Yeah lol, despite my name i’m not a very collected or chilled out person.

Also out of likes, darn.

I’d like to think I’m a laid back person as I used to get angry fast a lot a looooong time ago (mostly my younger siblings lol) but now I don’t get angry as much at stuff but stuff like this repeatedly I just won’t stand for

At least i’m more chill than my little brother is. He basically torments me for his entertainment (He’s probably having mood swings or something.) I also have always thought it funny how he’s represented by fire in all of his usernames, making us opposing elements.

It’s something along the lines of banter and just poking at someone to see their limits and probably also an age thing of how we see stuff and react and such :thinking:

Probably lmao, but I guess it’s also a feeling of him wanting to constantly have an advantage over me in all situations at basically any cost. (At least that’s what i’ve picked up). He’ll blatantly lie his way into anything, and has been in a really bad mood lately. :nod:

Little siblings are… interesting. Sometimes I want to spend time with him, and then some other times he makes me want to tear out his spine.

Interesting relationship you have for me it was like that kinda…but…less mood swings or something?
Also I think it’s kinda a nature thing to do, pretty sure you can notice this with lion cubs when they meet their father they like to bite and poke at it testing it’s limits and just being annoying. I think it’s natural for younger people to poke and annoy at their elders or something along those lines which is pretty interesting now that I think about it…