Agreed. Ideas of masculinity and femininity genuinely confuse me. They’re subjective concepts, guys.
luckily i’ll never have children
can we talk about how this was 4 years ago and im still here
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Most glasses nowadays have plastic lenses instead of glass ones
Wont work on me tho, I got iron balls after being a handball goalkeeper. The ball trained the balls.
my power is 6.75 in my left eye and 6.25 in my right, so no, glasses do NOT go off when the fists go up
i could probably beat 1.5 spicytunas in a gladiator-esque arena
whats your weight
1.5x that of a spicytuna
500 kg?
if thats 1.5x that of a spicytuna then yea
cuz i’d win and you’d lose LOLOLOLOL
morock solos lil mans
nah uh I’d kill myself actually
i would stop you from doing that cuz im the only one who can kill you