So I’d say 30%
don’t know much about the IDF but I am tempted to learn Krav Maga. It’d be nice along with the HEMA.
…and chat this is why i wish i was biologically male with the absolute perfect body for fighting…
okay we know it, you can stop sayin that all thy time already
isn’t the entire point of martial arts n stuff to learn how to defend yourself even without being a brute. (I mean yeah they promote discipline n stuff but like they exist to help you fight)
My martial arts place once asked if I wanted to keep them on for sparring in case I couldn’t see. I was like “bro, I’m not THAT blind. And even if I was, I LIKE my eyes”.
Glasses come off when the fists go up.
More or less
I was once having a meltdown and hit a parent in the face with a Nerf gun
It was the Trilogy DS-15 iirc
Didn’t even shoot it, just smacked them with it
Get me a Nerf gun and I’m all set
how many know it
Archen, you seem to be under the impression that being a man means that you’re automatically a good fighter. You aren’t—your average man cannot fight worth jack squat.
Can confirm, all my friends batter me, male or female (biologically)
Remember, knives do not care about your gender
nor does fire
still better than what i got
What’s with your obsession for fighting things, anyways???
sounds cool (at least compared to the stereotypical nurturing female because i dont think i’ll ever nurture someone throughout my whole life)
Then just learn martial arts, don’t need to be a man to do that
no one said being a woman means you must be a nurturing mother
anyways fuck children
(i will end up abusing them in 1 day if you give them to me)
that’s messed up