Forumers you could beat(fight)

Or unhealthily overweight - sorry forumers.

What’s your height?
For reference I’m sitting at 152.1lb & 6’0 (only just started properly trying to increase my body weight very late into last year), haven’t ever calculated my body fat percentage

Huzzah, fellow martial artist.

fight me

i could take him :sunglasses:

i’m gonna beat off everyone don’t even try me

5’7" :pensive:

Shit you have the height advantage… Ill just bring like a tire iron im sure ill be fine

yall best hope i dont catch you lacking irl…

You’re like the first person in the world that isn’t a child who’s had a height disadvantage to me, then.

I killed two men with my bear hands back in 2011.

you’re a furry?

that happens to me a lot im like 5’5 (and a half)

if you’re a Bear, that certainly skews it in your favour

I’m pure fury.

…likely a little bigger actually i probably fucked up the measuring somehow

The only actual “fight” I have been in was when I got assaulted, but that doesn’t entirely count because I was dragging the person away from someone else and not actually fighting back. Also I am probably older than a good portion of the forums.
(I did also learn karate for a period of time but it was about 8 years ago that I stopped so I don’t think it will help that much)

my body is so unoptimized for fighting :sob:

thats why i hate it

I have a nuclear bomb


Mane get yo fuck ass outta here mane omm I wipe yo ahh bitch ahh boy :sob: :pray:

