Forummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer Curses


wouldn’t that just evaporate

Ap.Bringer curse or Dead Revival magi curse (if there is Dead Revival magic there must be a curse, right?)

how did lightning win btw?

It absolutely would, darkflame’s spread is crazy


so scorch was a good idea :relieved:

fight fire with fire they said

also I favorited it so I’m more likely to re-roll it again.

@Randomness might wanna edit your wheel

Both are quite balanced, but the Lightning is elemental so it might just survive for that small bit longer


couldn’t i just make a faraday cage or smth tho

wut is this

basically a metal cage that distributes electricity around the cage so the inside remains untouched

@Crimsonpants you picked Lazarus curse but had no magic so you couldn’t do anything to elemental curse users

@DubiousLittleTyp0 rerolled for next round against Vetex, you got Scorch again

their first battle was me, and i think mine was made an external

Someone draw vetex’s avatar as lowtiergod with aether lightning

Also even if you beat lighting you were going to fight against Inferno straight afterwards

okay so aether lightning is pretty nasty but scorch is really good too…
power wise it’s developer boost and million magic boost

jesus what round even is this? all the big boys are out to play already

Bruh vet has no chance… imagine being killed by the guy who once managed to create new topics daily