Forum's Wrapped 2024

it’d probably be an assortment of wintergatan songs with a touch of mili

I have an unhealthy obsession to listening to (mostly) British military marches. Please help.

(I don’t use spotify)

its either all joji, MF DOOM or Tyler

Do not resist trust me bro

full immersion


Yes, I am.

My book, Never Go Far (still in the works) is going to actively include smut scenes occasionally. But let’s get back on topic:

I like Imagine Dragons, believe it or not. I love Arcane, and Bones and Enemy have always been two songs I adore. I also have a new love for Dennis Van Aarssen, a crooner from Holland. Also Jschlatt’s new album. He’s actually a good singer.

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any rankings i get i’m putting pmd ost at the very top regardless lol

I know what you are.

I don’t use Spotify, sorry. I prefer my music on physical media. I’ve recently been listening to the Bee Gees instrumentals and Nirvana’s Nevermind album, both on cassette.

Any other music I listen to is classical or folk on the radio. Chopin is neat.

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unfortunately I also don’t use spotify so I can’t really tell you guys(maybe next year)

You don’t have to own a spotify account to be valid, don’t let the media fool you

I wanna start a record collection one day

Depressed and vibing? Yes, you’re absolutely correct.

Epic: The Musical is always nice to see! Just A Man is my favorite song in the entire thing!

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I know what both of you are.

you forget most people here are children

Okay, in my middle school library, there was a series of books called the Razorland Saga. Enclave, the one I read before going to High School, was there for 6-8th graders to read.

Enclave actively discusses mature themes like selective breeding at the lightest. If you’ve seen Arcane, mature scenes.

Stay on topic, please, and keep in mind, I’m not ashamed of what I write. Those children have likely seen worse than me saying “I write two people in a bed together that have had a romantic closeness to them since they first met.”

Anyways… What’s your music taste? :3

heavy death metal :3

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Not my taste, I genuinely need to get into it- any good intro bands or songs?

slipknot is my favorite so i suppose you could try that, wouldnt blame you if you didnt like it i just grew up with it cuz my parents are emo

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My type of music has always been more… poetic. I am a poet, so I’ve always had a fondness towards writing with emotion in it, but not POWERFUL, but with a soul to it. I like most genres, not much rap, country, or metal, but I’ll give Slipknot a go!

Thank you for the recommendation, my friend!