Found this little game

you can see for yourself

Played it, surprisingly fluid to actual AO combat.

PvP gets pretty lame after a while tho, who knew mage pvp was so easy?

it is pretty well (but i think fire explosion might be meta in there since its one of the few sets that have effects that buff each other)

Do not tell blud about wind/ice :pray:

ever heard of…


Water Lightning…? freeze them half to death with your (ooo, chilly :cold_face:) WATER!!!

and then… :scream: SHOCK THEM :lightning_magic_var1: WITH YOUR… LIGHTNING

hey that’s the thing @DeronChepem was on!

Ah it finally got exposed to forums…

I met a couple of good fellows there, met Avice too (TaurusBend) the guy who made that auto musket video lol.

It’s AO pvp without the grind, only mage is playable as of now.

pretty fun casual game ngl

ganking doesn’t feel bad to do since, there’s literally nothing to lose from it.

kinda wish there was a more designated safe area tho, for things like build editing.

Metal magic visuals are somehow BETTER in this game than in ao :sob:

only some magics have effects rn

tried the meme knockback build.

didnt work :frcryin:

hi @moochezz you got spotted

I didn’t see any explosion spell in there for some reason…

Also the hitboxes in there are so satisfying… :blush:

not spell magic

Game replicates AO so well, even attack speed scaling is inversed.