Stop. Freedrock is thousands of years old, Morden is like 18-20s.
I saw what you deleted
Still legal!
What is wrong with you
I think it’d be easier to list what isn’t wrong with me
Awfully conspicuous featured topic you got there spectre, surely you don’t have any ulterior motives for making sure morden isn’t dating anyone else…
(I have not read the topic )
This implies that Azrael’s story is just some shit he saw go down a couple weeks ago in the story perspective.
what if instead of freedrock he was freakrock and instead of using radius fist he fisted your-
Had to search up who he was and damn… his character design really looked like that for someone with that sick ass power huh…
You’ve gotta see what the Magma Curse user wears if you haven’t already.
what did he delete
forbidden information
no shade to the artists or whoever designed these guys but man… they really just gave him a red shirt and called it a day huh…
Don’t worry, it was just Vetex like 8 years ago.
For the sake of my own sanity, I’m about to redesign these guys bruh
Do it
Morden presumably wasn’t around then, so really Freedrock was just having a romance with the death curse, smooching all over that cube
I cant believe the curse is having an affair with morden