Hello guys! My name is Frigidus, and I am new here, but I have lurked here often for trello updates.
I really like lore intensive games and like speculating about story games. I can’t wait to get to know you all and have many future discussions here and hope I will be welcome.
rb1 #3 within 2 days
Most creative Mr hyperspace joke:
every new user is rb1 its mandatory
Hello! :3
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears please I need help
Cut off your cat ears idk, or see a vet? (Take your meds)
if they were medicated, they wouldn’t be on these forums
The cat ears implanted them they aren’t the chip itself though the cat ears are starting to actually attach itselfs permanently into my head it hurts oof ocuh
Also I don’t think the vets know how to deal with a cat human hybrid
Is this what they call bait?
I’m still adding these to my list for ideas onto how to remove them
(general grievous voice) Another suggestion to my collection
frigidus is such a cool name, welcome back rb1
Thanks. I had to think about my user for a second.
Anyways, what if I actually, in fact, am rb1? What then?
you die only to be reborn again
This rb1 fellow appears to be a legend or something I guess
Hola Frigidus
Anyways, welcome to the Arcane Odyssey forums! Make sure to have a nice day!