Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice
effort 5.0 18 quality 4.823529411764706 17 reasonability 4.842105263157895 19

The possible juices are:

  • Orange Juice
  • Lemonade
  • Limeade
  • Coconut water
  • Banana Juice
  • Grape Juice
  • Peach Syrup
  • Melon Water
  • Mango Juice
    sky fruits are sky + Drink name ( e.g. Sky Lemonade)

I did. Banana Juice.

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Good, because today I ate eight bananas.

Im gonna die from eating that much :skull:

Eat cookies :cookie:

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Brilliant idea! I really like the spirits and cider part of it!

isnt drinking salt water like REALLY bad?

this is making me hungry

Oh how I miss the autumn. That’s when I get to enjoy some tasty apple cider, but overall good suggestion!

Now we get to enjoy fruit juices in the heat of spring.
And water. Lots of water.

This is an amazing idea, that expands on the cooking system so much.

I’ve always felt kinda salty about stacking up thousands of coconuts, knowing i won’t use them , since they give less hunger, then the tons of meals I’ve created. This is a system that seems to not be neither to imbalanced (as in not that complicated to balance) and also quite simple to implement.
The best feature to add to the game I’ve seen so far.

Yes please.
We have all these food items
But no beverages?
That’s not a travesty, that’s a fucking warcrime.
Add this or I swear to god vetex I will make sure the next thing you add in your patchnotes is a custom magic for yourself.

roblox alcohol


let me make magic gatorade

This is one of the best ideas I’ve ever seen, it makes so much sense and adds a ton to the game without being complicated. The juice is just adorable, and the spirits are SUCH a good idea. Making disguised alcohol by talking about the “spirit” of the fruit? I love it, both for how it connects to the lore and how people will understand instinctively that it gets stronger as it ages. and the aging mechanic could easily borrow the code used to make fish rot (ages in X hours X minutes)
the only thing I’m not sure of is the cider, seems like a complicated system for something that’s considered a mistake and won’t be used much. still very high effort
I believe with the simplicity of the suggestion and the systems that can be borrowed from other places in the game, this won’t be very hard to implement at all

Apple juice looks like piss

Allow cider to refill saltwater energy and I’ll be happy drunkenly haymakering people

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God yes let me dehydrate myself with salt

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I love this suggestion. Gives a use to all those useless fruits in my inventory. Juices are a fun idea, and spirits are very unique and will definitely be fun to play with. I’m worried that people will just hoard spirits like they hoard hundreds of coconuts though, because they age with time and seem to have no limit. And people might just pop a 1-month aged spirit to wallop a boss or other player. Since their hunger requirement increases as well it is probably fine, but I think the aging mechanic should be modified. I’d consider changing it so spirits age through ship or sea activities (this is so you can’t just print op buffs or money from offline waiting), and I’d give them a cap on how strong their effect can be and make their buff scale slower than their hunger cost at a certain point.

Ciders are pretty complicated for basically being useless. You could probably make ciders a potion ingredient, but potions have barely been fleshed out so I wouldn’t add them for now.

More than enough to take my vote :crazy_face:

Yeah i do also kinda agree with most people, that the cider suggestion might just be flavor without taste. It is certaintly the least important feature that needs to be added from your suggestions.

Still i can’t stress enough how much i love this suggestion, it has to come to fruit.