FS emojis

Can we have fighting style emojis?

I mean there’s already magic emojis so why would this idea not make sense right?



Headless get over here we need to be able to :basic_combat: people into another realm


We don’t?


I want sailor fist emoji so I can use a wet palm to hold a water drop.

I want iron leg emoji

:mechanical_leg: just isn’t cutting it tbh.

lmao don’t see why not

No actually I was agreeing with this but after seeing that I disagree

What about thermo or sailor or basic or cannonfist?

also, you could argue that :sweat_drops: and :fire: would be good enough but there’s also :water_magic_var1: and :fire_magic: emojis so it’s not that weird to have similar ones

:sweat_drops: = :fire: > :mechanical_leg: >= :facepunch: > :boxing_glove: > :black_circle:



there’s also :fire_magic: :water_magic_var1: :explosion_magic:

so what’s so bad about some FS emojis too?

no. I would definitely prefer actual emojis


Was joke

Forum admins can do this, I am not the only one who can do this.

so does that mean it’s gonna happen?