Full Heal After Bosses

Full Heal After Bosses
effort 1.142857142857143 7 quality 1.571428571428571 7 reasonability 1.666666666666667 9

Right after most boss fights of the player’s level, many players will be left at very low HP, leaving them vulnerable to bounty hunters and random attackers. My proposal? Have all players who “participated” in the boss fight receive a full heal once the boss is dead. Players who dealt enough damage to qualify for a potential drop would count as having “participated”.

… yeah, no, that’s really just it. I’ve learned my lesson about grandiose suggestions, that’s really all there is to this one.

go to frostmill
camp by iris spawn
trash talk clan and navy members
lure them to frostmill
use iris as a healthpack
kill every last one of them


lmfao that panel

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Never cook again.

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Never cook again.

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You’re cooked.

Okay, you’ve made your point.

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Do not prepare any form of consumable object for nutrition and or pleasure at any given time for the rest of your existence.


then HOW do we get the full heal? do we eat their body to regain health?

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i mean you can question the same thing when we gain health from killing players

wait that exists?

bro has never pvped :skull::skull::skull:

i pvp-ed before, but that was against a person with 6 digits of bounty, spawnkilling a lvl 45 savant, against its will to reduce infamy, galleons and fame

edit: while i clearly told them to stop,i have their username if you want it

Never cook again

I don’t mind having to risk getting hunted after killing a boss, you just gotta be good at taking down the boss, so you can prevent that situation. I have both been punished and punished others after being low from a boss fight. You learn from hardships

Their excess mana/energy is released and saturates the air, we passively absorb it and it restores recent wounds.

Never cook again.

But seriously though, this might work if it gave you just a bit of hp. Maybe the same amount that you get from PVP, and maybe some anti-cheese mechanic. But I’ve also never had this problem in my life, so maybe it’s just you.

Maybe the 35% that you gain from player kills, and don’t have it apply unless you took at least 50% of your max HP as damage from the boss.

could just say that its limited to bosses whose level difference with you is… idk 30 or less. at max level thatd include carina and calvus
realistically iris isnt even a boss, but i guess later even carina will be killed in a couple of hits. worst case scenario just heal a percent of the boss’ health