Full Release Content List

I will be updating this list until the update is here, this will only include meaningful content, tell me if I forgot anything.


  • Story, Lv 175 cap, and sidequests
  • ISLANDS: The vents of Aeolus, Monos, Pefkos, the eastern Reaches, the huge Nimbus lands
  • NPC citizen system
  • Oracle build with 3 spirit weapons


  • Improved visuals and performance
  • Bears
  • Silver hammer & Platinum shovel
  • Ship boarding push
  • Balance changes
  • Sameria tavern
  • New weapon abilities (2)
  • Minibosses: Hallbjorn

~3 months (October 18)

9 health per hit :money_mouth_face:

Is this about the occlusion culling or something else? Cause the occlusion culling thing should have been automatically activated for anyone on a windows pc already.

So far aside from massive qol like fps boost, visuals and citizens, this adds about 2 hours of meaninful content unless you wanna 100% islands

it isnt in game yet, will be after the update

Occlusion culling isn’t something vetex adds it’s roblox’s and they do it automatically

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How could you forget the platinum shovel???

did you notice an improvement in framerate recently? truth be told ive not played the game in a month

mb cuh

To be perfectly honest not really, but mine wasn’t all that bad in the first place. The occlusion culling post does say there were some limitations regarding lighting and some other things though. But yeah it’s live, it’s client sided so there wasn’t anything for Vetex to do on his end anyways.

Wasn’t it 150

for now, it was confirmed to reach 175

Oh mb I looked again and I thought you meant what had already been in patch notes not what was known to be coming

I was gonna do that like how I made empires list

are we getting vitality
can we have vitality idc about being limited to 1 spell and gun lmb i wanna play arcane odyssey hard mode

just set a big disclaimer with 2 layers of ‘are you sure you wanna do this’ when you wanna select the unfinished warden build

It would make sense for us to get vitality since it’s full release so probably

Should go higher imo (Trollface_1.jpeg)

lv cap to 180 and a new boat would sure make the game feel fresh

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