Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

either bro is delaying big stuff for his own mental health sake.


He wants to artificialy make AO looks “new” on Full Release

I’ll take it. New grass, new seas, new desert, perfect. Every ground is covered.

Pun intended?

I actually really like how stuff like spikes n shit actually do realistic amounts of damage, like just because you can shoot a bomb out of your hands doesn’t mean you’re immune to getting shot

imagine being divanochi and using secret tl4 powers to get rid of the evidence of you misposting a patch note in discussion

Soon TM


So like, imagine if your crew catched fish and all you see is just colossal sized fish on your boat moment come back

Notice how your crew really only catches exotic, rare, or legendary large fishes

So the good news is: We’re getting all the boring QoL visual stuff out of the way first.
The bad news is, it is technically taking priority over gameplay elements.

He’s probably waiting on the story characters to have their designs finished

He might be working on islands in the meantime.

Will grass finally actually look like grass, rather than a bunch of cubes that look like they came from a 2015 simulator game?

I can guarantee atleast 5 dark sea runs will end to this feature


hes giving himself 7 months for a reason, he wants to make full release feel like a brand new polished thing

Well, he’s definitely gotten the “brand new” part down. Can we get to the polished bit?

yeah, he has 7 months, im sure you’ll se a lot of bug fixes throughout the update

we better



are there any other testers i can pester and nag to about trying to get player names re-used? i feel like that contributed a lot of life to WoM
having people refer to me as “jimmy” instead of “fartman” would add a lot of life to the world cause it would feel like people were actually in the world rather than outside observers plucked in

i believe in tester equality and that we should nag testers other than crimsonpants :bangbang: :fire::100:

yea, that would be nice
it’d also lead to some funny situations like “thank you for the help, abraham lincoln”


“yo slave knight gael thanks for the help beating king calvus”