Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Continuing the discussion from Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread) - #10160 by Arbeon.

Previous discussions:


This post will be opened after the Empires Update has been released and development of the next patches begin.

Before this thread opens, there are a few things that should be kept in mind.

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first :3

But to begin, has anyone been able to farm? I haven’t tried myself but I heard several people were having trouble so I was wondering if anyone had it fine

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Aside from this patch, has anyone been testing out intensity yet? If so, how good is it now? I’m thinking of making some intensity sets (since I have a huge stockpile of larimar and some kyanite)

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Thermo fist is slightly less annoying to operate thanks to the intensity I already had.

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Who are Admiral Ismenios, and The Blasted Rock General’s Bodyguards? I looked through Blasted Rock and couldn’t find them. Or are they coming in Full Release?

Oh, and I here by pledge that this time, I will not derail (unless it’s important) and yap to much. I will write my replies grammatically correctly and actually discuss. I will make separate topics for questions I have, if it is disrupting to much.

I think Stock should also pledge the above.

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:grimacing: nah

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the bodyguards is next to Zaix

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it scales really well (100% ish reduced cooldowns at 206 intensity) but cooldown reduction isn’t super useful
it is fun though, i would recommend it

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Which Full Release feature are you excited about?

  • Player Sensing
  • Legendary and Ghost Ships
  • New Side Bosses
  • New Music and OSTs
  • New Story Content (Skyhall and More)
  • Other (What)
0 voters

How are you grouping Legendary ships and Ghost ships into the same category? They’re just so different.

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I want to know how many players overly obsess over ships. (Please don’t start an argument)

Aw dangit.

The Next Update Information has changed.

no “Placed farms not working” bug :pensive:

If your frame of reference was Amelia or Kalliste, they borrow from the previous minibosses that have that measure in place because they’re cheesable as hell.

no its for fucking everyone
even regular criminal npcs
theyre as hard to fight now as atlanteans used to be