Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I’m gonna help you gather ingredients. Already been throwing hands with them things in TU.

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The Ancient Cave bear facing the unmatched power of Metamancers:

Sample text vs stock sounds who wins

im cannon

He added the drops in the morning he just didnt note em till now

the worst part is since they deal percentage damage this is actually plausible

maybe not, unless the armor from brown bears is level 100

keep in mind that AP is said to only show up on items level 100 or above so

Who TF wears normal NPC gear for stats, I doubt it’s going to be better then boss armor, so who cares if its AP or something
Pretty much a vanity item, only exception is probably monos alpha bear


when is vetex introducing gnarpys

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Chimera sea, they rule the ryujin dynasty with an iron fist

I know people have already linked to the reminders thing, but I figured I’d post the patch note itself here just so people discussing it don’t have to jump between topics


Patreon members actually got a peak at these items and they look pretty nice so far


nice pun

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finally that one guy at shell will have something to hunt :fr:

the guy at shell is getting mauled

welp at least he fulfilled his life goal

(He doesn’t know)

Would low key be so hype if npc hunters on shell fought bears or smth


boy oh boy i sure cant wait to fight a bear in one of those patches of grass in the ravenna houses
