Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I strongly hope Metal can mutate into Gravity

anything with mass should mutate into gravity fr


The fuck do you mean acid might be a heat magic

Some of yall have never walked on sand on a 90 degree day if you think sand isn’t a thing that would synergize with heat magics :sob:

acids do actually heat things up when they dissolve stuff

Yeah but it’s still not really a heat magic in game

I have and it made me die internally and externally :blush:

fack u forums

Plasma is a Lightning Mutation, Lightning is made of Plasma, Poison Lightning is Lightning, Lightning is made of Plasma, Plasma can mutate Poison Lightning? My dream build is still alive.

What is this one supposed to be?

heat chart

i don’t care about in game, i care about the element

That seems pretty reasonable, probably has the most mass of any magic so kinda the closest thing you could really draw a line from to gravity.

lets direct the discussion here :pray:

I don’t think light is going to get many heat related ones, probably only the stuff that was meant to be light mutations in AA + other light/energy adjacent stuff.

Thus, it’ll likely be Flare (fire + light mutation), aether, healing (if its still a lost magic), and potentially wave

So limiting.

and heat magic itself too probably

It does extra against overheated targets I’m pretty sure but idk if that categorizes it as a heat magic

I mean overheated says it makes heat magics do more damage so that’s pretty definitive

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