Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

keep cooking and have a good day :+1:

Truly the dev of all time…


I mean hey it’s progress :man_shrugging:


ok one


also, this is laughably wrong. from how broad the range of mutations vetex describes magics as getting, along with the number he has planned, most magics should have access to at least a quarter of the roster.

You’ll note the magics with more mutations are the ones that aren’t mutations

For someone who doesn’t have access to mutations, being given access to a broad amount of them for finding a single item is far easier than getting a scroll, using it because it sounds cool, then learning there were other ones you wanted and this one doesnt work at all. Then you gotta go to trading hell.


How do you know this is fact

Huh, I don’t remember that

Makes sense, in the months leading up to easter most work is probably going to be focused on the full release update. Just doing the bare minimum to keep up just a bit of player retention prior to Full Release where most dev efforts will be focused makes sense.

Also progress on the Nimbus Lands(Nimbus sky islands)

This is after like a little less than a month of him starting on the Nimbus Lands(though I’d imagine there was probably a bit of a break around Christmas and on New Years). I’d say this is good progress given the size of the Nimbus Lands as seen on that really blurry map, what do y’all think?


Well that’s perfect then keep up the good work

Yeah no, in AA (even tho i was stuck in the 1st sea) i remember that mutations REPLACED your magic. So you mutated 1st and 2nd minds.
In AO, we switch magics with mutations of ONLY FIRST MAGIC

I have made a fan-chart, and relied purely on base 7 magics and themes of magics. Its not 100% and just my view on things, but yeah, Acid, Glass, sand…Nu huh

Where’s my sand storm mutation :sob:

grrr aether flame is marked as ancient and lost. grr, grrr

oopise, morock fans gonna eat me alive like abyss-fishes who fiest on the corpse of their curse user :laughing:

Morock fan*

SUMMON THE @skittlesnakes

Ok so like how much of this are you pulling out of your ass

Because it looks like nearly 70% of this you’re just making shit up :sob:

Please tell me where you got Aethereal flames or growth magic confirmed as magics like ???

Magics? Some are from 51 magic list, some are confirmed.

Mutation paths? Some are from old AA mutation charts, other are pure logic. Like Explosino → Aether and Snow → Blizzard


I hope this update releases all the weapon skills
If the game isn’t early access it shouldn’t have unfinished features


Randal having Growth absolutely does not confirm for it to be a magic at all dawg :sob:

99% sure his curse is an external curse

And even then if it was why would it be “growth” and not something more in line and specified for plants and nature