Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I would assume that you can cheese bears with airstalling and ledges to snipe them from, unless bears are able to jump, climb, or have a projectile attack (which honestly now that I say that I feel like atlantean bears could have a projectile)

Animals might be vertically challenged like Natasha

the normal ones or far reaches

I see that the bears have been lobbying for the agility removal, then

I guess aura can mimic just about anything…

Dragon’s fury probably isn’t the aura spell. Dragon song seems to more likely be that.

I think dragon’s fury is the WoM exiled sword skill ngl

I think Dragon’s fury is actually an aura spell except that instead of modifying your character stats for a period of time it seems to modify the stats of a certain number of your next attacks?

neither are auras
crimsonpants said that the one that was like raging storm “isn’t the cooler of the two”
and auras are generic and not all that cool

Now fix it for flash strike!!

lol if it was aura, it would been mentioned already

sword sheath when?

breaking news: Vetex has collaborated with Arch_Mage and Ragoozer to make Thermo Fist spawn 6 Blizzard Knights every time you punch!!!

Chat are we cooked

It’s been 4 months since empires so if full release is only 20% done then it’ll take ~16 more months :fearful:


Yes, YES!!! Let them cook for all eternity, and when time itself ends, we will receive true peak…

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Can’t wait for my grandchildren to play it!

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makes me wonder when halfway will be, my bets would be on when the first chapter is added to the new update

Where did random bteam member 7 get that it’s halfway done from

Ao conquest/heavy update/insert popular extremely delayed update for game here (fantastic frontier I think? I dunno I never played it) here we come

full release has been in development for closer to 3 months than 4, before that there was the marketplace patch with the halloween event and whatnot