Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I think it also has a weird interaction with the new chat? Whenever my mortar reticle is in its area, it just doesn’t aim at all.

not if you want to progress the story quickly

then you sail to frostmill for the scout then immediately get it with the money from redwake

ig my mind is playing tricks on me cuz i swore you could have gotten caravels at redwake

thats not getting it at redwake technically tho

This is gonna Ravenna 200 years after the end of the Arcane Odyssey

guys vetex telepathically communicated this to me last night in a dream

he said they’re going to be the new pet/quartermaster that you get from a roaming miniboss fight

How many hours you got?

2600 since release

Does that include WOM hours too?

stocksounds i don’t think this is a trello update

wow, really?

yeah really, and you were 2 days late to making that meme (you didn’t even directly reply to the original update :sob:)

oh no, how could I?

stocksounds really awakened my excitement for a new patch to a meme in reminders
atleast im fine with the replies but this aint even a reply bruh :sob:

I have him on ignore :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

even if it was a reply it was two days too late, a lot of people probably mistook that for a new reminder

Do people seriously wait for Reminders to update hoping that some kind of update pops up, and get disappointed when it’s just a reply?

I mean, understandable, but I didn’t really consider that.
Pardon my misuse.



Ooo exciting


I wonder what trees the island will have…