Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I still need to get sand back, I am too employed to go back to the dark sea and find an essence


on another note does this mean we’ve reached our required lore strength to use dodge reflexes or is this just QoL!!! wowii!!!

you forgot “to the first arcane game”

you could mutate your first magic in aa, or it was planned at least

I’m pretty sure it was never implemented or I’m stupid

Mutations never got implemented but yeah you were meant to be able to mutate your first magic

Yeah according to tech’s(?) doc there was plans for the player to mutate both their first and second magic

I see :+1: mb then

Finally… Ultimate Art beam…

Now, just when will it be?

Scape and Run inspired Atlantean Squid swarms would go crazy

Higher tier mutation that’s dozens of people fused together
I would post the thing from Midwest Angelica but I think that might be too much

So…we wont be able to mutate our first mind?


the fact that javelin is kinda mid:
selino is actually decently okay though

it might be mid but its probably the most balanced rare spell in the game by far

ultimate art sunlight spear

Javelin is 2nd blast…Sorta (cannon has start-up issue)
and a lot of people use it as:
Blast → Beam → Javelin → Beam → Blast…

Arcanium mortars are going to have 3 OP magics

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what new island

my question is why vetex doesn’t want to add all the content before the story starts into the game now instead of later

i.e., all the content he’s working on NOW isn’t part of the Skyhall story, so what’s stopping him from adding it into the maingame before he gets started on it so that we don’t have to wait as long for all this cool content?

considering it was posted in january, probably sameria