Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

heat chart

i don’t care about in game, i care about the element

That seems pretty reasonable, probably has the most mass of any magic so kinda the closest thing you could really draw a line from to gravity.

lets direct the discussion here :pray:

I don’t think light is going to get many heat related ones, probably only the stuff that was meant to be light mutations in AA + other light/energy adjacent stuff.

Thus, it’ll likely be Flare (fire + light mutation), aether, healing (if its still a lost magic), and potentially wave

So limiting.

and heat magic itself too probably

It does extra against overheated targets I’m pretty sure but idk if that categorizes it as a heat magic

I mean overheated says it makes heat magics do more damage so that’s pretty definitive

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Pretty sure water magic is just the same temp as the area you use it in if I had to guess
Its not like bending in ATLA where you can control the temp, only magics that are specifically hot or cold can do that

We have recently confirmed that from a technical standpoint Water Magic is a cold magic.

Does this make Frostwater Magic two cold magics?
Assuming Vetex doesn’t whiff the opportunity to add Frostwater Magic.

There is no magic called that
You mean frostmetal?

No stock just made it the fuck up off the frostwater bow

… specifically because Vetex doesn’t seem to want lost/mutated magics to be obtainable outside of RNG (gambling+artificial engagement) when they could all be made available for choice when using one lost scroll/hecate shard

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So its possible for magma to become inferno nice

I really wanted to be a Phoenix/Aether Lighting/Shadow mage but that doesn’t seem worth the torturous grinding for 3 hectate essences :sob:


Hot vs cold debate!

I mean, i kinda understand the reason and how it works now?


So, in lore, we dont mutate our magic, we just learn a new variation of already known one. So, again, say i was fire mage whole my life, i have learned 3 more magics (even tho THIS does’nt make sense, and made more sense with minds). But then i start to heavily experiment with my first magic, and i eventualy develop a way to increase fire’s healing asepct. And i eventualy manage to create a 4th magic - Phoenix. And since its more stronger, i can choose to make it my ‘main’ magic in terms of useabiltiy now. Or i can choose to make secondary or tetraity magic.


Since we are locked to only 3 magics, us getting ‘4th magic’ and ‘choosing it being main/secondary/tetraity magic’ is quite litteral. We just shift our focus and ‘mutated’ / new magic can become our first.

You can mutate only first mind. After picking mutation for your first mind, now you replace your base first mind with said mutation, and then, you need to put your 1st base into any of other slots.