Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Growth isn’t just plants though it’s literally growth, ie it allows people to grow to ridiculous sizes

Then why doesn’t Randal go inside of Thanos and expand to massive size? Checkmate, liberals!

maybe thats how he kills intruders

I think thats just the curse, highly doubt that would be ingame

bc he is sleepy :sleeping:

it IS just the curse, vetex said so

Somewhere out there in the War Seas, there is an oil curse

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We cannot let Diddy get to it!

unless its man made, idk if the gods would ever really make an oil magic

Can we have other fossil fuels? Where’s Natural Gas magic?

oil magic ink variant?

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nirvanna magic

Nirvanna was an external curse tho
also the whole point of it is it gives magic knowledge, how tf would you have a magic around magic knowledge

you get smarter every second :nerd_face:

new JTN Beringer model dropped!!!

i wonder what the paper-like magic will be, leaf magic? or maybe it’ll just be parchment or something

Uno Magic, go

uno magic should be a base magic cause it comes free with your xbox

Do you guys remember…20 blast paper…With stacking bleed…

No I don’t have it, I have the oldest xbox known to man